Stroka Clinic

The alternative medicine without radiotherapi and surgery

Stroka's family recipe is our key to success. For more than a century, thousands of people were healed from it. This original recipe is a wise mixture of alternative and modern medicine.

All our products are without side effects and are recommended to be used by all categories, including children 0-18 years old, pregnant , breastfeeding , the elderly and patients suffering from chronic diseases due to their herbal content. The products will be used from the description of the treating physician!
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From Stroka Clinic


Treatment of Skin Cancer (Wounds that do not heal for a long time), Moles, without Radiotherapy, without surgery, but with herbal solutions. Treatment and recovery is done through several sessions performed at this clinic.

Trust Nature!
Trust Stroka Clinic!
  • Skin Cancer
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Skin Burs
  • Moles
  • Condyloma Acuminatum
  • Various skin diseases

Skin Cancer

Atopic Dermatitis

Skin burns


Condyloma Acuminatum

Various skin diseases

Stroka Clinic

Clinic's Doctors

Dr. Laver Stroka

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Dr. Afërdita Stroka

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